Bringing hope, one backpack at a time.


The Goal

Elpis Foundation’s purpose is to reduce and provide relief to the homeless population in New York City. We do this by giving New Yorkers a simple and tangible way to become citizen activists.

We provide donors with “care packages” or backpacks that they can donate to a homeless person they encounter in their everyday lives. These backpacks contain clothing, toiletries, and other items that make life a little easier for people living on the streets.

For every $20 donated, Elpis Foundation will ship donors a backpack of supplies. In our daily commutes, we all encounter someone in need. The length of time and involvement of each encounter will vary, but each backpack will provide some aid to someone without a home.


How Can You Help?



Your Part

Most people in NYC commute to work every day. Whether we walk, bike, take public transportation, we usually encounter a homeless person during the commute. Many of us notice these folks. If we have something to offer, we may even do so. But many of us are hesitant to give cash. 

Elpis Foundation addresses this problem by asking our donors to distribute backpacks filled with clothing and toiletries during their commutes - not to solve the problem of homelessness, but to provide relief until a solution is found.

For every $20 donated to Elpis Foundation, we will ship you one backpack. It is then your turn to take action - go out and find someone in need (trust us, it isn't hard to do). Introduce yourselves, start a conversation, and give back!


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